Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Master, as well as his more unusual interests, has an enthusiasm for TV box sets.  Not trashy sitcoms etc, but mainly sci-fi series and classics.  When I'm at his home and not busy serving him or engaging in deviant forms of entertainment, we often spend time watching a series on DVD together with some food or a bottle of wine.

But anyway, nobody came here to read about TV, right?  The reason I mention it is that his latest series hire has got me thinking some interesting things.  The context is survival - most of the population of the earth has been wiped out and resources are scarce.  What would I do in this situation?  Well, my first impulse was, of course, that I'd whore myself out for sure.  One thing men will always want, is women to fuck.  And I am already "used" as currency from time to time - so naturally, I'd turn to what I know to help myself survive.  Not to mention have some fun (grin).

But when I think about it even longer, sex is really just the beginning.  Ultimately, if the whole human species is at stake, what is really needed is women to breed.  Bring things down to the most basic level of survival, and the whole women's movement comes to naught.  In the end, they don't have much choice in the matter: it is a biological necessity to get knocked up, or we all die.  That's the simple truth of it.  As a woman, my body is a commodity - not just to help a man get off, but because I can have his child.  Strip humanity of all its laws and customs, drag each man down to a matter of "live or die", and women become one essential thing: breeding stock.

All this brings me to a new perspective on an old fantasy.  Master has spoken many times about using me to breed, and it is something that never fails to terrify and excite me on a very deep level.  To be used as a body to create a child, by Master or someone else, without a choice, is ownership at its most primitive level.  By control of my most basic biological functions, Master's use of me would be complete unequivocally.  Physically and psychologically, there would be no return, and no denying my true place as his property and his slave.

But putting it into a survival context, that makes it real in a new way.  Because not only could I become breeding stock if my Master wished it, but in some deep, biological way, I already am.  It is only by chance allocation of my social environment and place in history, that we can all pretend otherwise.  I have had bestowed on me, by my social world, a right to choose what my body is used for - but that social world is no ultimate authority.  The reality is, at any time it could die.  The ultimate authority is nature, and it dictates that I am here for one primary use.  In my relationship with Master, that reality is recognised and embraced.  I am stock.

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